Fix Charles ssl certificate download failed on android phone

Fix Charles ssl certificate download failed “due to network failures” on android phone

Work around to solve Charles SSL certificate download Failed "due to network failures" by Manually installing Charles SSL certificate

Recently I have tried to download the Charles SSL certificate in the browser as usual but it failed in mobile device browser. I have tried with different browsers but still get no luck. Finally, I got successfully installed by copying SSL certificate file to the phone and install it from there. Here are the steps. Check more details.
Usually we install Charles SSL certificate on the phone by browse the Charles SSL certificate link "" in a any browser, then it will install SSL certificate automatically without any worries as long as you phone connects to Charles IP that you can found in Charles "Help" menu. However in some pretty new android phone such as in android 7.0, IE, Chrome and firefox all not support SSL certificate automatic installation. 

Except to install SSL certificate automatically, we can install SSL certificate manually. We can simply copy the SSL certificate file to the phone, and then install this file to the certificate folder. The problem is where to find Charles SSL certificate file. Check this video, it will tell you where to find Charles Root Certificate file and how to manually install SSL certificate on the android phone once you were failed to install it automatically.

More info about manually install SSL certificate on android phone, there are multiple ways to manually install SSL certificate for Charles.

1. First you can copy the Charles SSL certificate file to android phone. And then try to find it by any document management app on the android phone, if you cannot find any document management app, just go to Google store to install any one. Then browse to the Charles SSL certificate located on the phone and click on it to install it.

2. Or you can forward the Charles SSL certificate file to any email. And open this email from the android phone. Then click the attached Charles SSL certificate file to install it.

Process is very simple, the whole processing may only take a few minutes.  Check detail steps.

1. Export Charles SSL certificate file from Charles with *.pem suffix file

2. Copy *.pem file to the phone storage

3. Configure IP Proxy on the phone
    4. Install *.pem on the phone while configured Charles Wi-Fi connected.
    *  Make sure when you install Charles SSL certificate on the phone, have you wifi configured as in step 3 and connected as Charles requested.
    1. Go to the phone and use any phone storage accessing tool, for example, My Files, Document, Download or any other tools installed on the phone to access CharlesCertifcate.pem
    2. Click on CharlesCertifcate.pem and follow the installation process to install.